The Ridges Sanctuary

Preservation, Education, and Research

Watershed Study

In 2006, The Ridges Research Committee worked with researchers and students at UW-Green Bay on a study of water quality in the Sanctuary. The study’s primary goal was to gather baseline data on concentrations of heavy metals, nutrients, and minerals in the surface- and groundwater in the Sanctuary. This is especially important because several plant and animal species here are closely dependent upon good water quality for their survival. Water samples were taken periodically from small groundwater wells, and from springs and swales.

Results indicate that water quality of both the surface and groundwater at The Ridges is very good. Future studies will enable us to compare and assess any changes in our water quality.

Clark Lake & Logan Creek Watershed Study

From 2005-06, the Clark Lake Advancement Association and the UW-Stevens Point Center for Watershed Science and Education conducted a comprehensive study of Clark Lake, Logan Creek, and their watersheds. The study included water quality sampling of both the lake and creek, as well as stream flow measurements, macroinvertebrate sampling, and a fisheries study. Data collected during the study was used to develop a long-range plan for land use and water quality protection in the watershed, as well as protection of the lake and stream habitats. The Ridges Sanctuary’s Logan Creek Property includes over 2,500 feet of shoreline on Clark Lake and Logan Creek, so protection of the lake and its surrounding habitats is a high priority for us.

Funding for the study was provided through a Lake Management Grant from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

For more information on the Watershed Studies:

Nature of Research

Clark Lake Sensitive Habitat Areas Report document 

Water Quality and Bulrush Evaluation in Clark Lake document